Asia Mock


Asia Mock is committed to radical change that uplifts the Black community.

The heart of Asia’s work is liberation, and this radiates from her in every space that she enters. The things that she has taught me have irrevocably shaped the way that I move through life as a white person, interpersonally and professionally. They have deeply impacted my awareness of the ways that white supremacy and misogynoir (where anti-Blackness and misogyny meet) are woven into the fabric of our society and how I can actively unpack and unlearn these tools of oppression that have been taught to us all. How the dismantling of these systems is necessary in order for us as a community to create true and lasting change that improves the lives of our BIPOC community members. She encourages people to accept the complex nature of the human experience and to embrace error as an opportunity for learning, growth and healing. The way that Asia moves through life authentically and unapologetically- while still centering accountability with others and herself, is a vital lesson that we all can afford to learn. As a doula it is my responsibility to serve my clients and my community with mindfulness and awareness of the intersections that effect the experience of navigating reproductive health care, and Asia’s teachings have undoubtedly improved my ability to do this work. They have also helped me to understand the ways that violence and oppression are internalized, and shape the ways that we interact with each-other and ourselves. Working to understand the many ways that various ‘isms’ have hindered my genuine connection to others and myself has been healing in ways that are invaluable. I can confidently say that due to Asia’s care for me and work with me I am a better person. I can not recommend her or thank her enough.
Asia offers consultation services, social media auditing, and customized insight and action planning for anyone that is ready to commit themselves to radical change, professionally and interpersonally.

Asia, in their own words:

“Based in Detroit, MI, my services are centered in personal and interpersonal awareness guided through a non-white and evolving socialist lens.

I believe that dismantling our ingrained racist and classist leanings are absolutely crucial for embracing a liberated future.

I’m Asia Mock (pronouns are she/her, they/them), a Black queer femme, writer, producer, creative director and parent living and in Detroit, MI. As a proud and evolving member of my community I hold a deep and unbridled passion for nurturing the genuine changes our spaces need to grow and thrive.

I’m also very much a simp for human beings because I believe in human beings.

So many of us have been so severely ravaged by the generational backlash of colonialism and capitalism. It’s making humanity appear pretty fucking bleak.

I’d like to help turn that around.“

You can find out more about Asia and their offerings on their website here: